The Small Business Collab and the Marketing Lab Present

A LinkedIn Workshop

Plus, Profile headshot offer

More and more business owners are realising that LinkedIn is THE place to be. It’s no longer just for the big corporate businesses. These days, smaller companies and one-man/woman bands, are finding success on the platform.

But though you may be pretty au fait with Insta or Facebook, how exactly does LinkedIn work? How do you navigate the platform; optimise your page; get your posts seen; connect with the right people, all without it taking up hours of time.



* There are more than a billion users on LinkedIn.
* Only 1% of users are creating weekly content.
* Content on LinkedIn lasts up to four weeks unlike other platforms, where content can last minutes.
* LinkedIn garners the TRUST and AUTHORITY factor that other social media platforms do not.

“It’s time to move from a consumer to a creator on LinkedIn”

Get LinkedIn done!

Following on from a successful networking meeting in Epsom, Surrey, with guest speaker Mel Booth from The Marketing Lab, Mel and I are going to collaborate and set up a LinkedIn Workshop, aimed at getting you up and running on LinkedIn.

‘Mel had some great ideas and her training was very clear.’
— Helen Phillips, Solicitor

What do you get?

In just three hours, you will:
* Set up your LinkedIn Profile, or if it’s done, supercharge it into a magnet for your ideal clients.
* Pinpoint exactly who you need to connect with (and who you don’t).
* Learn what grabs attention on LinkedIn and what generates leads. Then apply it to your business.
* Learn how to navigate and foster relationships on LinkedIn.
* Ask questions as you go and get hands-on help from experts.
* MOST importantly, how to capitalise on LinkedIn without it taking up hours of your time.

How Much?

The price for the workshop is £85 including VAT. If you book by 28th February you can secure your Early Bird Place for £75 including VAT. There are only 14 spaces for this workshop.

Plus: Special Headshot Photography Offer

If it’s been on your to-do list to update your headshot, then I am offering a SPECIAL HEADSHOT PHOTO SHOOT to anyone booking on the workshop.

* Pre-shoot consultation on style, colour etc.
* 30-minute headshot photo shoot
* Inside/outside pictures
* Time spent getting your best angle and expression
* Choose your headshot straight away
* One jpeg image included, resized to 7x10 and with two resizes for LinkedIn and your website
* Opportunity to purchase more images

All for £150 + VAT (normally £250)

Details of the Workshop

  • When?

    • Thursday 27th March, 2025

  • Where?

    • Caballo Lounge, Epsom (upstairs)

  • What’s included?

    • 2 hot drinks at the Caballo Lounge. Hands-on help and expert advice.

  • How many spaces?

    • 14 spaces

  • What do I need to bring?

    Laptop (fully charged). Notepad and pen

Sign me up

Please book your place below. Your space is confirmed when payment is received. If booking by 27th February you will receive the early bird special offer of £75. Between 1-14th March, fee is £85. Bookings close 13 March at 9.00am.

Please note, after bookings close on Friday 13th March, we are unable to offer refunds or cancellations.